⚠️Comprehensive Security Event Detection (Notifications)

This page describes the security events detected by OMNIA when analysing transactions made by our users in order to protect them from malicious activities.

NOTE: This is an opt-in feature. OMNIA is committed to enhance and protect our users' privacy.

MaliciousAddressEvent Indicators:

  • Blackmail activities

  • Stealing attacks

  • Malicious mining activities

  • Darkweb transactions

  • Cybercrime

  • Money laundering

  • Financial crime

  • Blacklist doubts

  • Mixer usage

  • Sanctioned addresses

  • Creation of malicious contracts

Reason: To prevent interactions with sanctioned or malicious addresses, safeguarding both the user and our platform.

ScamAddressEvent Indicators:

  • Phishing activities

  • Fake KYC attempts

  • Fake standard interfaces

Reason: To avoid irreversible loss of funds by preventing transactions with scam-involved addresses.

HackingActivityAddressEvent Indicators:

  • Honeypot-related addresses

  • Gas abuse

  • Reinitiation attacks

Reason: To prevent potential irreversible loss of funds by avoiding interactions with compromised addresses.

Smart Contract Security Events

ClosedSourceContractEvent Indicators: Closed-source contracts

Reason: To notify users post-transaction that complete security checks couldn't be applied due to closed-source nature, setting the default interaction as optimistic/permissive.

SelfDestructContractEvent Indicators: Contracts with self-destruct capabilities

Reason: To inform users of the risks associated with self-destruct functionalities, allowing interaction while acknowledging the potential for assets becoming unavailable.

ProxyContractEvent Indicators: Proxy contracts

Reason: To notify users post-transaction about the proxy nature of a contract, which can change behavior and make security checks inconsistent.

Generic Calls

ERC-20 Contracts

MaliciousOwnershipEvent Indicators:

  • Ownership take-back capabilities

  • Owner balance alteration

  • Hidden owner

Reason: To alert users post-transaction about the potential risks of contract ownership changes.

HackingActivityContractEvent Indicators:

  • External calls with ownership take-back capabilities or hidden owner

  • Gas abuse

Reason: To warn users before transaction about the risk of loss due to hacking activities.

ExternalCodeCallEvent Indicators: External code calls

Reason: To inform users post-transaction of the increased risk associated with external, non-audited code calls.

HoneypotContractEvent Indicators: Honeypot behavior

Reason: To prevent interactions with honeypot contracts that can lead to loss of funds.

RestrictedTradingEvent Indicators:

  • Sell tax

  • Inability to sell all tokens

  • Modifiable slippage

  • Transfer pausability

  • Trading cooldown

  • Mintable contracts

Reason: To notify users post-transaction about trading restrictions that could impact liquidity and token usability.

ScamTokenEvent Indicators:

  • Airdrop scams

  • Cloning real tokens

Reason: To prevent interactions with scam tokens that can lead to irreversible loss.

PotentialRugPullEvent Indicators:

  • Privilege withdrawal

  • Missing withdrawal with blackhole owner

Reason: To alert users post-transaction about potential rug pull risks, ensuring they are aware and cautious.

ERC-721 & ERC-1155 Contracts

MaliciousNFTContractEvent Indicators:

  • Malicious NFT contracts

  • Privileged burn by EOA

  • Oversupply minting

Reason: To prevent interactions with malicious NFT contracts that can lead to immediate loss of assets.

ScamNFTEvent Indicators:

  • Transfers without approval

  • Unverified or unfrozen metadata

Reason: To avoid transactions with scam NFTs, protecting users from potential loss.

Approval Calls

MaliciousApprovalEvent Indicators:

  • Malicious address and behavior

  • Approval abuse

Reason: To maintain the security of token approvals, ensuring users are protected from malicious approval schemes.

Last updated